Goodbye October...Hello November!

I am happy to kiss {smooch smooch} October so long!  It was hot, hot, hot and I am thrilled beyond belief to finally have weather in the 60s and 70s.  I swear it's been over 90 degrees since July!

For our monthly Currently linky party, here is what I'm currently up to...

I love hearing my hubby react to watching is precious Oregon Ducks play football.  He's a die-hard fan, win or lose, and this week's game against Arizona State is going into triple overtime!!!  Fingers crossed for my honey who bleeds green and yellow.

As I mentioned last month, Periscope is blowing up for teachers.  I hear that little whistle so often now from teachers filling the airwaves with awesome PD tips and classroom advice.  I'm trying to work up the nerve to do my first one and I think I just need to go for it!  I hope to channel my inner Brooke Brown and just DO it!  :)  I think I'll force myself to jump in by posting an Instagram ad for my time and topic....impossible to chicken out then, huh?!  hahaha

I recently went whale watching and got SO seasick!  I do get motion sick on long, windy drives and really turbulent flights and this 2 hour boat excursion was no different.  BOO!  Luckily, misery loves company and the two other mommies on the trip were as nauseous as me.  Three families headed out bright-eyed and ocean ready to celebrate a little one's birthday, and thankfully only the mommies were feeling the yuckiness.  I'm happy to report I kept my lunch in place and made it back to land in one queasy piece.  No whales were spotted, but we saw a few pods of dolphins and sting rays and the trip ended on a fun note for everyone!

November for my district is when the grading window is open to post grades.  The window closes before Thanksgiving break, so we need to complete our assessments and get grades inputted in the next few weeks.  We hand report cards out at our conferences in early December.

And, yes, I am one of those pumpkin loving Pinterest gals pinning everything pumpkin right now.  I do admit that pumpkin ice cream is NOT the best tasting thing Dreyer's has ever made {I like my pumpkin warm and toasty}, but pumpkin bagels are my guilty carb pleasure....yum!

Happy November!


  1. I totally understand the Periscope nerves. I did one an never flipped the camera! All was well! Jump in and do it! Semi script it out and you are good to go! Bummer on no whales! The Techie Playground

  2. Good luck with the Periscope broadcast tomorrow! I have been debating for a while about jumping in!! Eeeek!

    And I am a pumpkin loving gal too! Here in Missouri we have a frozen custard place that blends their homemade vanilla with a genuine piece of pumpkin pie....BEST. THING. EVER.

  3. Good luck on periscope tomorrow! I have to admit that I have not checked that technology out yet, but it sounds like I am really missing out! Will add it to my "to-do" list. Good luck and happy November!

